We’ve had a big breakthrough after we showed Radiodan at the V&A’s Digital Design Weekend last October. Since Chromium 51 now comes with Raspian Jessie, and I’d accidentally discovered that Chromium works fine on the Pi without a screen, Andrew whipped up the tiny and amazing Radiodan Neue.
It’s massively simplified compared with the previous implementation, because it’s basically all browser-based. This means that everything you need to write is in the browser too. There’s almost no installation required as everything runs in two Chromium windows, connected using websockets, so it’s trivial to get up and running, and trivial to make it run on a laptop before deploying. You can also debug on the Pi too. Andrew’s also written an implmentation of the physical UI!
We’ve used it at work for our “Project Bedtime” prototype on a Pi Zero with a Phat DAC, using a wifi access point on a second screen as a remote control.
I’ll gradually be updating the docs here, but everything is on Andrew’s github page.