It’s been a while since we’ve posted - we’ve all been busy. AndrewN and Dan have been churning through code, implementing AndrewW’s designs for the Radiodan webapp for controlling the radio. Dan’s been finishing up the BBC Services API which provides information about starts and ends of programmes and songs (using Nick Humfrey’s MQTT data) as well as the urls of the streams we’re using. AndrewN’s been sorting out the physical interface too. They’re building up to our talk at SOLID in May.
I stopped them from coding for a bit to get them to explain the architecture to me:
I hope that’s perfectly clear :-)
We’ve been thinking about personas too - who we’re making Radiodan for, concluding that we’re building it as prototyping platform for us, first, and hoping that others in the BBC and more widely will find some or all of it interesting and useful.
We’ve had a great time working with Victor Johansson, who has been designing a case for us. When we’ve a bit more time we’ll put up his case designs. But we’re delighted with them and we’ve been trying them out in different materials, as you can see here:
How he’s helping us with some concept radio designs, which look amazing.
I’ve had a lot of work to do on other projects recently, but I spoke at OSHUG 33 yesterday which was very interesting, and now AndrewN and I are off to Maker Faire UK with our new stash of postcards and stickers, and loads of prototypes and other bits and pieces. Maybe see you there.